Tuesday, May 11, 2010


A lot has happened since the last blog entry. Here's some of the highlights:

1. We received a $25,000 airtime grant from Bright House Networks. You'll be seeing a commercial for our theater on TV starting in September.

2. We attended the Chalk Walk in Hyde Park this past weekend with our Fresh Squeezed Lemonade and Sweet Tea booth. It may be old school fundraising, but every little bit helps.... and we have a LONG way to go to meet our goal of $55, 000. (hint, hint)

3. Melitta USA donated a Gourment Coffee Basket that we had a drawing for at the Chalk Walk. The winner of the basket was Paula Hoban of Tampa. Congrats, Paula!

4. We will have our show deposits paid next week. Granted, my credit cards are maxed out, but we can finally put the website LIVE and send out our first press release introducing NAT to the world... or at least the Greater Tampa Bay area.

5. Auditions for the 2010/2011 Season are coming up... SOON! We will be at FPTA auditions on May 23 & 24 at the Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach, FL (go to www.FPTA.net for more info on auditions)

It's an exciting time for NAT. Things are starting to fall into place, but we have a long way to go. How can you help? Make a donation... did you know that if you make a donation of $100 or more, you will become a member of the Founders Club? It's true. In addition to the regular membership benefits, you get an NAT t-shirt and your name will be put on permanant signage in the lobby. Sounds pretty great, huh? Well, get signed up... and tell your friends.

We are excited about the upcoming season. We've had so many people tell us how happy they are we have started this company. It's been very encouraging. Thanks to everyone who stopped and bought a lemonade or sweet tea. It may not seem like much, but it added up and was a big help. Keep and eye out for some changes to the website and it's LIVE debut coming soon.

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